Read our recent publications!
* = the author was a graduate student at time of publication
** = the author was a research assistant at time of publication
*** = the author was an undergraduate at time of publication
Genetics of Language
Lingo: an automated, web-based deep phenotyping platform for language ability. Casten, L. G.*, Koomar, T.*, Elsadany, M.*, McKone, C., Tysseling, B., Sasidharan, M., Tomblin, J. B., & Michaelson, J. J. (2024). medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.
Whole Genome Sequencing Illuminates the Developmental Signatures of Human Language Ability. Koomar, T.*, Casten, L.G.*, Thomas, T.R.*, Koh, J., Hofamman, D., Thenuwara, S., Momany, A., O'Brien, M., Murray, J., Tomblin, J.B., Michaelson, J.J. (2021). medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.
Language-impacting genetic variants discovered in autism also influence language ability in the general population. Casten, L.G.*, Thomas, T.R.*, & Michaelson, J.J. (2023). European Neuropsychopharmacology, Vol. 75, Supplement 1, pp. S76-S77.
Genetics of Gender
Polygenic Scores Clarify the Relationship Between Mental Health and Gender Diversity. Thomas, T.R.*, Tener, A.J.***, Pearlman, A.M., Imborek, K.L., Yang, J.S., Strang, J.F., Michaelson, J.J. (2024). Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, Volume 4, Issue 2.
The Gender Self-Report: A multidimensional gender characterization tool for gender-diverse and cisgender youth and adults. Strang, J. F., Wallace, G. L., Michaelson, J. J., Fischbach, A. L., Thomas, T. R.*, Jack, A., Shen, J., Chen, D., Freeman, A., Knauss, M., Corbett, B. A., Kenworthy, L., Tishelman, A. C., Willing, L., McQuaid, G. A., Nelson, E. E., Toomey, R. B., McGuire, J. K., Fish, J. N., Leibowitz, S. F., … Yang, J. S. (2023). The American psychologist, 78(7), 886–900.
Community attitudes on genetic research of gender identity, sexual orientation, and mental health. Thomas, T.R.*, Hofammann, D., McKenna, B.G., van der Miesen, I.R.A, Stokes, M.A., Daniolos, P., and Michaelson, J.J.
Genetics of Autism
Large-scale metagenomic analysis of oral microbiomes reveals markers for autism spectrum disorders. Manghi, P., Filosi, M., Zolfo, M., Casten, L. G.*, Garcia-Valiente, A., Mattevi, S., Heidrich, V., Golzato, D., Perini, S., Thomas, A. M., Montalbano, S., Cancellieri, S., Waldron, L., Hall, J. B., Xu, S., Volfovsky, N., Green Snyder, L., Feliciano, P., Asnicar, F., Valles-Colomer, M., Michaelson J.J. ... Domenici, E. (2024). Nature communications, 15(1), 9743
Clinical autism subscales have common genetic liabilities that are heritable, pleiotropic, and generalizable to the general population. Thomas, T.R.*, Koomar, T.*, Casten, L.G.*, Tener A.J.***, Bahl E.*, & Michaelson J.J. (2022). Transl Psychiatry 12, 247.
Estimating the prevalence and genetic risk mechanisms of ARFID in a large autism cohort. Koomar, T.*, Thomas, T. R.*, Pottschmidt, N. R., Lutter, M., & Michaelson, J. J. (2021). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
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Genetic and morphological estimates of androgen exposure predict social deficits in multiple neurodevelopmental disorder cohorts. McKenna B.G**, ... Brueggeman L.*, Bahl E.*, Koomar T.*, Pottschmidt N., Kalmus T.**, Casten L.*, Thomas T.R.*, Michaelson J.J. (2021). Molecular Autism 12, 43.
Whole-genome sequencing in a family with twin boys with autism and intellectual disability suggests multimodal polygenic risk. Brooke McKenna**, Tanner Koomar*, Kevin Vervier*, Jamie Kremsreiter, and Jacob J. Michaelson. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud December 2018, 4: a003285
Genetics of Twice Exceptionality
The combination of autism and exceptional cognitive ability is associated with suicidal ideation. Casten, L.*, Thomas, T.*, Doobay, A., Foley-Nicpon, M., Kramer, S.**, Nickl-Jockschat, T., Abel, T., Assouline, S., and Michaelson, J. (2023). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Volume 197.
Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Conditions
Note: all papers relating to autism are included in "Genetics of Autism."
Investigating the relationship between DNA methylation, genetic variation, and suicide attempt in bipolar disorder. Alrfooh, A., Casten, L. G.*, Richards, J. G., Wemmie, J. A., Magnotta, V. A., Fiedorowicz, J. G., Michaelson, J., Williams, A. J., & Gaine, M. E. (2024). medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences, 2024.04.03.24305263.
Patterns of Immune Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder. Argue, B. M. R., Casten, L. G.*, McCool, S., Alrfooh, A., Gringer Richards, J., Wemmie, J. A., Magnotta, V. A., Williams, A. J., Michaelson, J., Fiedorowicz, J. G., Scroggins, S. M., & Gaine, M. E. (2024). Patterns of Immune Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences, 2024.07.26.24311078.
Polygenic Drug Response Signatures and Their Associated Behavioral Patterns. Elsadany, M*, Thomas, T*, & Michaelson, J. (2023). Biological Psychiatry. 93:S297-S329.
Cerebellar morphological differences and associations with extrinsic factors in bipolar disorder type I. Harmata, G. I. S., Barsotti, E. J., Casten, L. G.*, Fiedorowicz, J. G., Williams, A., Shaffer, J. J., Richards, J. G., Sathyaputri, L., Schmitz, S. L., Christensen, G. E., Long, J. D., Gaine, M. E., Xu, J., Michaelson, J. J., Wemmie, J. A., & Magnotta, V. A. (2023). Journal of affective disorders, 340, 269–279.
Learning and Memory
Using deep learning to quantify neuronal activation from single-cell and spatial transcriptomic data. Bahl, E.*, Chatterjee, S., Mukherjee, U., Elsadany, M.*, Vanrobaeys, Y., Lin, L., McDonough, M., Resch, J., Giese, K.P., Abel, T., Michaelson, J. (2024). Nature Communications 15 (1), 779.
cerebroViz: An R package for anatomical visu-alization of spatiotemporal brain data. Bahl E*, Koomar T*, Michaelson JJ. Bioinformatics, pii: btw726, Dec 2016.
Other Areas of Computational Psychiatry
Drug repositioning in epilepsy reveals novel antiseizure candidates. Brueggeman, L.* , Sturgeon, M. L., Martin, R. M., Grossbach, A. J., Nagahama, Y. , Zhang, A. , Howard, M. A., Kawasaki, H. , Wu, S. , Cornell, R. A., Michaelson, J. J. and Bassuk, A. G. (2019). Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 6: 295-309.
TiSAn: estimating tissue-specific effects of coding and non-coding variants. Kévin Vervier, Jacob J Michaelson. Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 18, 15 September 2018, Pages 3061–3068.
PSSM-Suc: Accurately predicting succinylation using position specific scoring matrix into bigram for feature extraction. Dehzangi, A., López, Y., Lal, S.P., Taherzadeh, G., Michaelson, J., Sattar, A., Tsunoda, T. and Sharma, A. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 425, pp.97-102, July 2017.
SucStruct: Prediction of succinylated lysine residues by using structural properties of amino acids. López, Y., Dehzangi, A., Lal, S.P., Taherzadeh, G., Michaelson, J., Sattar, A., Tsunoda, T. and Sharma, A. Analytical Biochemistry, 527, pp.24-32, June 2017.